Haru-Sari is my baby. I spend ridiculous amounts of time writing the scripts and drawing the pages.
It all began in the November of 1994. I had been a big fan of Japanese RPGs as well as Korean shoujo manga (or soonjung manhwa if you prefer). One day, I sat down and decided that I would create a manga with the interactivity of an RPG.
I started writing. A choose-your-adventure fantasy story was conceived. It worked like a dating sim: you control the decisions of the female lead, and end up with a different guy depending on your choices. I had so much fun planning out all the possible story arcs. Fond memories!
Over the next eleven years, the project underwent numerous metamorphoses — discarding characters, gaining characters, plot make-overs, etc. Strangely, the more I worked on it, the darker and more depressing it got. By 2005, it had turned into a monumental angst-fest involving an elf doctor and a catgirl.
And that’s the version I decided on. Which is a good thing, really. If I kept tweaking the story… it probably would’ve crossed the threshold of being ‘dark’ and evolved into a freaking black hole.
My so-called real name is Min Kwon, but I’d greatly appreciate it if you just called me keiiii. It’s pronounced like “kay,” and it is spelled with four i’s.
I can be reached at [email protected] if you need to contact me.
I’m not one of thsoe crazy talented youngsters (at least, not anymore!). I was born in late 1981, so I’m old enough. I reside in New Jersey; however, I was born and raised in Korea for fifteen years. English is not my first language.
I have:
……….accounts on Gaia Online, deviantArt, and Formspring
……….a female Alaskan Malamute named Chaco
……….Adobe Photoshop 7.0 CS4, Corel Painter IX, Wacom Intuos tablet
……….a bachelor’s degree in linguistics. I went to Rutgers. No, I didn’t go to an art school, but I would like to some day.
It’s the name of the disease that June has. Yes, I made it up.
Three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
This website opened on Friday, November 25 of 2005, along with the first chapter of the comic.
There are no plans to publish Haru-Sari in book format. But if I find a good opportunity, I might change my mind. š
Yes, but I’d rather you email me instead. You can also find me at theĀ Haru-Sari forum, too — my username is Keiiii.
I suppose the answer is ‘yes,’ but I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends and family.
In particular, I owe to:
- Ladyfox, Darin Feir, Selie, and Gwee for going over the story.
- MenTaLguY for helping me shape the first chapter.
- Rydia.net for hosting.
- Ka-Young, a middle school friend, for her support during the conception of the story back in 1994-1995.
- My mom for being the best person in the universe.
- God for making everything possible for me.