
Haru-Sari is my baby. I spend ridiculous amounts of time writing the scripts and drawing the pages.

It all began in the November of 1994. I had been a big fan of Japanese RPGs as well as Korean shoujo manga (or soonjung manhwa if you prefer). One day, I sat down and decided that I would create a manga with the interactivity of an RPG.

I started writing. A choose-your-adventure fantasy story was conceived. It worked like a dating sim: you control the decisions of the female lead, and end up with a different guy depending on your choices. I had so much fun planning out all the possible story arcs. Fond memories!

Over the next eleven years, the project underwent numerous metamorphoses — discarding characters, gaining characters, plot make-overs, etc. Strangely, the more I worked on it, the darker and more depressing it got. By 2005, it had turned into a monumental angst-fest involving an elf doctor and a catgirl.

And that’s the version I decided on. Which is a good thing, really. If I kept tweaking the story… it probably would’ve crossed the threshold of being ‘dark’ and evolved into a freaking black hole.



My so-called real name is Min Kwon, but I’d greatly appreciate it if you just called me keiiii. It’s pronounced like “kay,” and it is spelled with four i’s.

I can be reached at [email protected] if you need to contact me.

I’m not one of thsoe crazy talented youngsters (at least, not anymore!). I was born in late 1981, so I’m old enough. I reside in New Jersey; however, I was born and raised in Korea for fifteen years. English is not my first language.

I have:

……….accounts on Gaia Online, deviantArt, and Formspring
……….a female Alaskan Malamute named Chaco
……….Adobe Photoshop 7.0 CS4, Corel Painter IX, Wacom Intuos tablet
……….a bachelor’s degree in linguistics. I went to Rutgers. No, I didn’t go to an art school, but I would like to some day.


What’s Calphanika’s?

It’s the name of the disease that June has. Yes, I made it up.

How often do you update?

Three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

When did you start posting this comic on the internet?

This website opened on Friday, November 25 of 2005, along with the first chapter of the comic.

Can you draw my comic?


Are you going to publish this in print?

There are no plans to publish Haru-Sari in book format. But if I find a good opportunity, I might change my mind. šŸ™‚

Do you have AIM/ ICQ/ etc.?

Yes, but I’d rather you email me instead. You can also find me at theĀ Haru-Sari forum, too — my username is Keiiii.

Is this comic your individual effort?

I suppose the answer is ‘yes,’ but I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends and family.

In particular, I owe to:

  • Ladyfox, Darin Feir, Selie, and Gwee for going over the story.
  • MenTaLguY for helping me shape the first chapter.
  • Rydia.net for hosting.
  • Ka-Young, a middle school friend, for her support during the conception of the story back in 1994-1995.
  • My mom for being the best person in the universe.
  • God for making everything possible for me.